Match Information

two-V-two Assault Match

(-:CZ:-) 3 v 3 {[Å]}
0 Points Before 998
998 Points After 998
+998 Points Change 0
Date of Match: 28/10/2007
(-:CZ:-): Well......match was arranged only few hours before playing, so i had no teamm8s, and neither smantie's m8 had arrived so it was 1v1 :D:D smantie's network totally crashed so he almost couldn't play, and his merc arrived just after the game :( I know it was totally fucking game for u smant, but calm down, don't be angry to me, it's not my mistake that your net is shit :) it's not the world's end :D cya next time m8 //ph*b {[Å]}: WHY DONT YOU DIRTY EUROPEANS TELL ME WHEN YOU CHANGE YOUR FLIPPIN CLOCKS! Askagorn showed up an hour late only to get typekilled like a noob and made us l00ze!. Was 1v1 between Ph*B*ss and Smant mostly, smant won all the maps he didn't lag out on and Ph*B*ss just went and won maps when smant was lagged off the server. GG!