Match Information

InstaGIB Assault Match

[»®«] 8 v 0 dfr.
867 Points Before 292
896 Points After 263
+29 Points Change -29
Date of Match: 05/06/2005
[»®«]< /b>: We played 4 v 3 most of the war, dfr but up a good fight if they had 4 players score would of been diffrent but o well, see ya again //Player-63 dfr.: No team available largely due to adc/sk playoff. Donna and Torp played all of it, and i played 5/6 maps i think, cept i was on the phone for it all (its hard to play when holding a phone and not on teamspeak) So losing 2v4 isnt a great problem for me, enjoy the free points. They know we are better than them and would of won if i had, oh i dunno, 2 hands! Or if we had any 4 of our squad online. They seem to have forgotten the bumming they got last time we met, though apparently we merced that game... odd that, though the amounts of unstoppables we got in that match would make any team hope they were cheated somehow. Admins feel free to share any logs with them, as, well, they didnt disable the merc system. Pld damocles, only one who didnt flame, and pretty much the only one with an aim, will be nice to have these points back in a month or two when we have a full team :)