Match Information

Standard Assault Match

dB* 2 v 8 {^SF^}
177 Points Before 177
160 Points After 194
-17 Points Change +17
Date of Match: 10/12/2004
dB*: ok well first off SF is a merc clan, u say we suck but we still managed to get 2 maps with our crap pings u know like between 170-260 and that was compared to your 30-50 pings, why don't u meet us on a server where we ping the same then we'll so who's crap, guarantee u guys would be kissing your sorry merc ass's goodbye if we did, anyway's gg's dB*'s u tried good even with our crap pings, not gg's to SF cause u are a shit merc clan. (Akora)gg, shame from the "trialist", goastrider , ye we're to easy, thats why i killed ya every sec but ok.and :kiss: axl //Ako p.s if we're so easy to beat then why'd u need your mercs, ohh I know cause we kicked your butts lastmonth 8-1 your's truely dede {^SF^}: wel was a gg, the score has changed since last time :D the game was more like math (with no offence to db) cause they were quite laggie and we needed to aim a bit in front of them to hit them, bt it was a nice and fun game. With great fun with akora :D i tried to recruit him during the match but he didn't gave a serious answer :P but db now we played vs the real db and not vs ur mercs it was a nice game thnx 4 that and btw give a match report that makes sence this time and don't talk about kermit and stuff ^_^ cya in the league m8s//Axl (who didn't get his godlike :( but did get his monster kill :) )